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FastGRPC is a high-performance gRPC framework designed to simplify the development of gRPC services


  • Fast to code: FastAPI-like API design
  • Pure async: Built with async/await only
  • Pydantic integration: Request/Response validation
  • Auto Proto: Automatic .proto file generation
  • Type hints: Full Python type annotations support


Requires Python 3.9+

pip install python-fast-grpc

Quick Start

Create a simple gRPC service:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from fast_grpc import FastGRPC

# create a FastGRPC app
# service_name: defines the default service name in proto file
# proto: defines the default proto file path
# auto_gen_proto: if True, will automatically generate proto file from your code
#                if False, you need to provide your own proto file
app = FastGRPC(
    service_name="Greeter",  # default service name
    proto="greeter.proto",   # default proto file path
    auto_gen_proto=True      # auto generate proto file

class HelloRequest(BaseModel):
    name: str

class HelloReply(BaseModel):
    message: str

async def say_hello(request: HelloRequest) -> HelloReply:
    return HelloReply(message=f"Greeter SayHello {}")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Test with a client:

import grpc
import greeter_pb2 as pb2
import greeter_pb2_grpc as pb2_grpc

channel = grpc.insecure_channel("")
stub = pb2_grpc.GreeterStub(channel)
response = stub.SayHello(pb2.HelloRequest(name="FastGRPC"))
print("Greeter client received: ", response)

Use Context:

from fast_grpc import ServiceContext
async def unary_unary(request: HelloRequest, context: ServiceContext) -> HelloReply:
    return HelloReply(message=f"Hello {}")

Service Definition

FastGRPC supports define your gRPC methods in a single Service:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from fast_grpc import FastGRPC, Service

app = FastGRPC()

class HelloRequest(BaseModel):
    name: str

class HelloReply(BaseModel):
    message: str

# Create a service with specific name and proto file
srv = Service(
    name="Greeter",        # service name in proto file
    proto="greeter.proto"  # proto file path for this service

async def say_hello(request: HelloRequest) -> HelloReply:
    return HelloReply(message=f"Hello {}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.add_service(srv)  # add service to app

Streaming Methods

FastGRPC supports grpc streaming methods:


async def unary_unary(request: HelloRequest) -> HelloReply:
    return HelloReply(message=f"Hello {}")


async def stream_unary(request: AsyncIterator[HelloRequest]) -> HelloReply:
    response = HelloReply(message="SayHello:")
    async for message in request:
        response.message += f" {}"
    return response


async def unary_stream(request: HelloRequest) -> AsyncIterator[HelloReply]:
    for i in range(3):
        yield HelloReply(message=f"SayHello: {} {i}")


async def stream_stream(
    request: AsyncIterator[HelloRequest],
) -> AsyncIterator[HelloReply]:
    async for message in request:
        yield HelloReply(message=f"SayHello: {}")

These examples demonstrate how to implement different types of gRPC streaming methods using FastGRPC. Each method is fully asynchronous, leveraging Python's async and await syntax for efficient I/O operations.